
What is the main difference between a class and an object in Python?

In Python, classes and objects are fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). In this concise guide, we will demystify the difference between classes and objects, providing clarity on their roles in Python programming.

Classes – Blueprints for Objects:

A class in Python acts as a blueprint, defining a set of attributes and methods that characterize objects created from it. 

Think of a class as a template that describes the structure and behavior of objects. It encapsulates data and functionality, allowing you to create multiple instances of the same structure with different values.

Practical Example: iPhone14 Class

class iPhone14:

def __init__(self, model, storage):

        self.model = model

        self.storage = storage

    def display_info(self):

        return f"iPhone {self.model} with {self.storage}GB storage"    

In this example, the iPhone14 class represents the blueprint for iPhone14 objects. It has attributes like model and storage and a method display_info() to show information about the iPhone.

Objects – Instances of Classes:

An object, also known as an instance, is created from a class. It is a concrete representation of the class blueprint, with its own unique data values and state. 

You can create multiple objects from the same class, each maintaining its independent data and behavior.

Practical Example: Creating iPhone14 Objects

iphone1 = iPhone14(“14 Pro”, 256)

iphone2 = iPhone14(“14 Mini”, 128)

In this example, iphone1 and iphone2 are instances of the iPhone14 class. They are separate objects with different attributes, such as model and storage.

The difference between classes and objects in Object Oriented-Programming

To grasp the difference between classes and objects in Python, let’s explore a practical analogy of building a house. Just as a blueprint (building plan) represents a class in Python, the actual house constructed based on that blueprint represents an object. 

One key thing that makes this easy to understand is to consider the fact that, the blueprint of the house is usually on a sheet of paper and isn’t the house itself. Then, based on that blueprint, one can build as many houses as they want. In the same way, a class is just a blueprint that is written once. Once that class has been written, you can use it to create as many objects as you want.

Understanding this analogy will help clarify the distinction between classes (blueprints) and objects (instances) in Python programming.

Classes – The Blueprints for House Construction:

In Python, a class is a blueprint that defines the structure and behavior of objects. Similarly, a blueprint for building a house provides the specifications and layout for the entire structure. Classes encapsulate data attributes and methods, just like a blueprint that outlines the dimensions, room placements, and features of a house.

Practical Example: House Class Blueprint

class House:

def __init__(self, bedrooms, bathrooms, floors):

        self.bedrooms = bedrooms

        self.bathrooms = bathrooms

        self.floors = floors

    def describe(self):

        return self"This house has {self.bedrooms} bedrooms, {self.bathrooms} bathrooms, and {self.floors} floors."    

In this example, the House class acts as a blueprint, defining attributes like bedrooms, bathrooms, and floors, along with a method describe() to provide information about the house.

Objects – Actual Houses Built from the Blueprint:

In Python, an object is an instance created from a class. In our house-building analogy, objects are the actual houses built based on the house blueprint. 

Each house (object) constructed from the same blueprint (class) has its unique attributes, representing individual instances of the house.

Practical Example: Building House Objects

house1 = House(bedrooms=3, bathrooms=2, floors=1)

house2 = House(bedrooms=4, bathrooms=3, floors=2)

In this example, house1 and house2 are instances of the House class. They represent actual houses, each with its unique number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and floors.


  1. Create a class Car with attributes make and year, and a method show_details() to display information about the car. Then, create two car objects with different makes and years and print their details.
  1. Write a class Rectangle with attributes width and height, and a method calculate_area() to calculate the area of the rectangle. Create three rectangle objects with different dimensions and print their areas.


Understanding the difference between classes and objects is fundamental to grasping the core of object-oriented programming in Python. 

Classes serve as blueprints, defining attributes and methods, while objects are instances created from these classes, carrying unique data values and states. 

By practicing the assignments and exploring further Python concepts, you will gain confidence in utilizing OOP principles effectively in your projects. 

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Happy coding!

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