
Understanding Access Levels in Python OOP: Private, Public, and Protected

Embarking on the journey of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, you’ll encounter certain terms that might seem like a puzzle at first. One such term is ‘access levels’, which comes in three flavors: Public, Protected, and Private. If these words have you scratching your head, don’t worry; you’ve stumbled upon the perfect guide.

Imagine you have a toy box. Some toys are for everyone to play with, some are for family only, and a few special ones are just for you. Similarly, in Python, when you create a ‘class’ (think of it as a blueprint), it has certain features (methods or attributes). While some features are open for all, others might be limited in their access.

This idea of selectively sharing or hiding features is what we call ‘encapsulation’ in OOP. It’s like deciding who gets to play with which toy. In this article, we’ll unwrap these concepts, making it super easy for you to grasp the essence of public, protected, and private access levels in Python.

Ready to demystify the puzzle? Let’s jump right in!

Brief Overview of Access Levels in OOP

At its core, access levels determine the visibility of class attributes and methods. Think of them as the security clearance levels in a software system. Some parts of the code are like open conference rooms – anyone can enter and participate (public). Others might be more restricted, like a team’s workspace where only team members (and perhaps a few others) are allowed (protected). Then there are those high-security rooms where only specific individuals can enter (private).

In OOP, these “rooms” are analogous to class attributes and methods, and the “security clearance levels” are the access levels. By designating certain parts of our class as public, protected, or private, we’re setting boundaries, ensuring that only certain parts of our code can “enter” or interact with them.

Importance of Controlling Access to Class Attributes and Methods

Data Integrity: By restricting access, we ensure that attributes are modified in controlled ways, preventing accidental or malicious changes that could introduce bugs or vulnerabilities.

Abstraction: Users of a class don’t need to know its inner workings. By hiding certain details, we present a cleaner, more understandable interface.

Flexibility for Future Changes: If we decide to change how an attribute is represented or how a method works, having it private or protected means we can do so without affecting code that uses our class.

Safety: Some attributes might control critical operations. For instance, consider a BankAccount class with a balance attribute. We wouldn’t want any part of our code to directly deduct money without proper checks and validations!

Public Access Level

By default, every method or attribute that you create in Python OOP is public. This means that these methods or attributes can be accessed by anyone at any point in time when they are using the class or working with an object instantiated from that class.

Practical Examples of Public Attributes and Methods

Consider a class called `BankAccount`. A public attribute might be its `account_type`, and a public method could be `display_balance()`. Here’s how it might look:

class BankAccount:

def __init__(self, balance):
        self.balance = balance  # This is a public attribute
        self.account_type = "Savings"  # Another public attribute

    def display_balance(self):  # This is a public method
        print(f"Your balance is: ${self.balance}")

Using the class is simple:

my_account = BankAccount(1000)

print(my_account.account_type)  # Outputs: Savings

my_account.display_balance()  # Outputs: Your balance is: $1000

When and Why to Use Public Access

You’d use public access when you believe certain information or actions should be available to everyone. For instance, anyone should know the type of bank account (like “Savings” or “Checking”). Similarly, an account holder should be able to see their balance without any restrictions.

Private Access Level

In Python OOP, when you want to restrict access to certain methods or attributes, you make them private. This means that these methods or attributes are hidden and can’t be accessed directly from outside the class. They are meant for internal use within the class itself.

Practical Examples of Private Attributes and Methods

Continuing with our BankAccount class, let’s say there’s a private attribute called __accountID and a private method named __calculate_interest(). Here’s how they would be represented:

class BankAccount:

def __init__(self, balance, accountID):

        self.balance = balance  # This is a public attribute

        self.__accountID = accountID  # This is a private attribute

    def display_balance(self):  # This is a public method

        print(f"Your balance is: ${self.balance}")

    def __calculate_interest(self):  # This is a private method

        return self.balance * 0.05    

While you can use the public method display_balance() as before, trying to access the private method or attribute directly will result in an error:

my_account = BankAccount(1000, "A12345")

# print(my_account.__accountID)  # This will raise an error

# my_account.__calculate_interest()  # This too will raise an error

When and Why to Use Private Access

Private access is used when you want to keep certain details or operations hidden. For example, the __accountID should be confidential, and not everyone should be able to see or modify it. 

Similarly, the way interest is calculated might be a complex internal process that you don’t want to expose. By making these private, you ensure that they are shielded from external access and potential misuse.

Protected Access Level

In Python OOP, there’s a middle ground between public and private, known as protected. When you mark methods or attributes as protected, you’re signaling that they should be used cautiously, typically within the class and its subclasses. 

They are prefixed with a single underscore, but unlike private attributes and methods, they can still be accessed from outside the class. It’s more of a convention than a strict rule.

Practical Examples of Protected Attributes and Methods

Let’s expand our BankAccount class. Suppose there’s a protected attribute named _minimum_balance and a protected method called _update_ledger(). Here’s how you’d represent them:

class BankAccount:

def __init__(self, balance):

        self.balance = balance  # This is a public attribute

        self._minimum_balance = 100  # This is a protected attribute

    def display_balance(self):  # This is a public method

        print(f"Your balance is: ${self.balance}")

    def _update_ledger(self, transaction_amount):  # This is a protected method

        # Logic to update the account's transaction ledger


While it’s not recommended, you can still access the protected method or attribute:

my_account = BankAccount(1000)

print(my_account._minimum_balance)  # Outputs: 100

my_account._update_ledger(200)  # Not recommended, but won't raise an error

When and Why to Use Protected Access

Protected access is like putting up a “Staff Only” sign. While customers (or users of your class) can technically still go beyond the sign, they’re advised not to. For instance, the _minimum_balance is a detail that might be important for subclasses (like a SpecialSavingsAccount) but not necessarily for the general user. By making it protected, you

are signaling a few key intentions:

Internal Use Preferred: While the attribute or method is accessible, it’s primarily intended for use within the class or by subclasses. It’s a way of saying, “This is meant for internal purposes, so handle with care.”

Flexibility for Extension: By marking something as protected, you’re allowing subclasses (like SpecialSavingsAccount or PremiumAccount) to use and possibly override these attributes or methods. This provides flexibility when extending the class or adding new features.

Guided Accessibility: While private attributes are strictly off-limits, protected ones are accessible but come with a word of caution. It’s like a gentle reminder that says, “You can access this, but make sure you know what you’re doing.”

Maintaining Class Integrity: Sometimes, certain details of a class shouldn’t be tampered with directly, even though they might need to be available for subclasses. The protected access ensures that these details are not accidentally modified or misused by general users.

In conclusion, protected access strikes a balance between complete openness (public) and strict restriction (private). It offers a level of transparency while still emphasizing the importance of careful usage. When designing classes, consider using protected access for attributes and methods that are crucial for internal operations or subclass extensions but should be approached with caution by external users.

Comparing Access Levels

Table Comparing Public, Protected, and Private

Access LevelPrefix in PythonAccessibilityTypical Use CaseExample
PublicNoneOpen to allGeneral attributes and methods that can be freely accessed and modifiedbalance in a BankAccount class
ProtectedSingle underscore (_)Limited; meant for internal use and subclassesAttributes and methods that are important for internal operations or subclass extensions_minimum_balance in a BankAccount class
PrivateDouble underscore (__)Strictly restricted to the class itselfAttributes and methods that should not be accessed or modified outside the class__accountID in a BankAccount class

Scenarios and Best Practices for Each Access Level


Scenario: You’re creating a Car class and want users to access the color attribute and drive() method without any restrictions.

Best Practice: Use public access for attributes and methods that are essential for the basic functionality of the class and are safe for external users to access and modify.


Scenario: In the Car class, you have a _mileage attribute that should not be directly modified but might be useful for subclasses like ElectricCar to access and potentially override.

Best Practice: Use protected access for attributes and methods that form the internal mechanics of the class. They should be available for subclasses but approached with caution by external users.


Scenario: In the BankAccount class, you have a __pin attribute that should never be accessed or modified outside the class.

Best Practice: Use private access for attributes and methods that are sensitive or critical to the class’s integrity. They should be hidden from external access to prevent unintended modifications or misuse.

In essence, when designing a class, carefully consider which access level is appropriate for each attribute and method. This ensures that your class is robust, maintainable, and user-friendly.


Understanding access levels in Python’s Object-Oriented Programming is crucial for crafting robust and efficient code. By distinguishing between public, protected, and private, you can ensure the right balance between flexibility and data integrity. Remember, it’s not just about writing code, but writing code that’s both secure and user-friendly.

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