
Gitignore files and how to use them in your projects

What is a `.gitignore` file?

Imagine you’re working on a project, and there are files you often modify or create but never want to commit to your Git repository. Examples could be log files, temporary files, or your secret configuration settings. Enter the .gitignore file – your personal assistant that tells Git, “Hey, ignore these files for me.”

The `.gitignore` file is a plain text file where each line contains a pattern for files/directories to ignore. It’s typically placed at the root of your project.

Why do you need one in your projects?

  1. Cleaner Commits: Without a .gitignore file, you risk committing unnecessary files to your repository, cluttering it with changes that don’t represent the project’s progress.
  2. Protect Sensitive Information: Sometimes, you have configuration files with sensitive data like API keys. You don’t want these to be public.
  3. Focus on What Matters: By ignoring irrelevant files, you can easily spot the changes that matter when reviewing your Git status or diffs.

Think of `.gitignore` as the bouncer of your club (project). It ensures only the desired guests (files) get in, keeping the unwanted ones out.

Setting Up `.gitignore`

How to Create a .gitignore File

Creating a .gitignore file is a walk in the park. Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to Your Project: Open your terminal and go to the root directory of your project.
  2. Create the File: Type touch .gitignore and hit Enter. That’s it! You’ve just created an empty .gitignore file.
  3. Edit the File: Open .gitignore using your favorite text editor and start adding the patterns for files or folders you want to ignore.

It’s like writing a “Do Not Disturb” sign and hanging it on your door. Anyone (in this case, Git) that sees the sign will know what they should avoid.

Adding .gitignore to an Existing Project

So, you already have a project, and you forgot to add a .gitignore? No worries, it’s never too late!

  1. Create the .gitignore File: Just like we did above.
  2. Add Patterns: Add the files and folders you want to ignore.
  3. Commit: Use git add .gitignore and then git commit -m “Added .gitignore” to add the .gitignore file to your repository.

Remember, if you’ve previously committed files that you now want to ignore, you’ll need to remove them from the repository. We’ll cover that in the “Common Pitfalls” section later.

Understanding Patterns

Patterns in a .gitignore file are like the rules of a game—once you understand them, playing becomes a lot easier. Let’s break down some of the essential syntax elements and see them in action through examples.

Explaining the Syntax

  • Wildcards (*): This symbol acts as a placeholder for any number of characters.

Example: *.log will ignore all files that have a .log extension.

  • Comments (#): Any line starting with # is a comment and will be ignored.

Example: # This is a comment

  • Negations (!): Adding a ! before a pattern will negate it, meaning Git will no longer ignore it.

Example: !important.log will track important.log even if *.log is being ignored.

  • Directory (/): Adding a / at the beginning of a pattern will restrict it to the directory where the .gitignore file is located.

Example: /temp/ will only ignore a temp directory at the root, not in subdirectories.

Practical Examples

Let’s say you’re working on a Python project. Your .gitignore might look something like this:

# Ignore all .pyc files


# But do not ignore this important bytecode


# Ignore the entire 'build' directory


# Ignore all .txt files in the 'logs' directory only


In this example:

All Python bytecode files (*.pyc) are ignored, except for important.pyc.

The build directory is entirely ignored, but build directories in subfolders are not.

Only .txt files in a logs directory will be ignored; .txt files elsewhere are fine.

Precedence and Scope

Understanding how Git prioritizes `.gitignore` rules can save you from a lot of headaches down the line. Think of it as understanding the rules of traffic lights; knowing what takes precedence can prevent accidents.

Local vs. Global .gitignore

  • Local .gitignore: This is the .gitignore file that resides in your project’s root directory or any sub-directory. Its rules are specific to the project.
  • Global .gitignore: This is a single .gitignore file that applies to all projects on your system. It’s like a set of general rules you apply everywhere.

How Git Decides What to Ignore

Git follows a specific order when determining whether to ignore a file:

  • Command Line Patterns: If you specify patterns directly in the command line, Git takes those first.
  • Local .gitignore: Patterns in the .gitignore file in your project are checked next.
  • Global .gitignore: Lastly, Git will look at the global .gitignore file.

The last matching pattern wins. So if a file matches a pattern in both the local and global .gitignore files, the local rule will override the global one.


Let’s consider you have these rules:

Global .gitignore:

Local .gitignore:

In this case, even though the global .gitignore tells Git to ignore all .log files, the local .gitignore says, “Hey, important.log is an exception!” Therefore, important.log will not be ignored.

Think of it as a general school rule that says, “No eating in the classrooms.” But your class has a special privilege allowing snacks. The specific rule for your class takes precedence over the general rule.

Common Pitfalls

Even seasoned developers occasionally make mistakes with `.gitignore` files. Knowing these common pitfalls can help you navigate around them like a pro.

What Happens If You Don’t Use .gitignore Effectively

  • Cluttered Repository: If you commit temporary or generated files, your repository will be cluttered, making it hard to identify meaningful changes.
  • Sensitive Data Exposure: If you accidentally commit a file containing sensitive data (like API keys), you could be risking security breaches.
  • Merge Conflicts: Files like logs or local configuration can lead to unnecessary merge conflicts, complicating collaboration.

How to Troubleshoot Common Issues

  • File Already Tracked: If a file is already being tracked by Git, adding it to .gitignore won’t remove it. You’ll need to untrack it manually.

Use `git rm –cached <filename>` to untrack the file, then commit this change.

  • Global vs Local Conflicts: Sometimes, you might have conflicting rules in global and local .gitignore files. Review both files to identify conflicts. Remember, local rules take precedence.
  • Incorrect Patterns: If files you expect to be ignored are not, check your `.gitignore` syntax. Make sure you didn’t accidentally add extra spaces or incorrect wildcards.

Example: Untracking a File

Let’s say you’ve been tracking a `config.json` file that you now want to ignore:

  • Add `config.json` to your .gitignore file.
  • Run `git rm –cached config.json` to untrack the file.
  • Commit these changes: `git commit -m “Untrack config.json”`

It’s like realizing you’ve been letting in guests who weren’t invited to your party. You can’t go back in time, but you can certainly ask them to leave and ensure they don’t get in next time.

Advanced Use-cases

By now, you’ve got a good grip on the basics. But what about those special cases? Sometimes you need more than just the basic rules to manage your project effectively. Let’s explore some advanced scenarios.

Excluding Specific Directories or Files

You can get very specific with .gitignore patterns. For instance, you might want to ignore only certain files within a directory but not the whole directory itself.

Example: Ignore all .jpg files in the images directory, but not .png files.


Re-including Files That Were Previously Ignored

Let’s say you’re ignoring all .log files, but you have one—important.log—that you want to keep track of.




In this case, `*.log` tells Git to ignore all .log files, but the !important.log rule brings that specific file back into the game. It’s like a general “No Pets” rule at a hotel, but with an exception for service animals.

Special Patterns with **

The double asterisk ** can make your patterns much more powerful:

Example 1: Ignore test directories at any level in the project.


Example 2: Ignore .tmp files in any sub-folder under the assets directory.


These are like the special moves in a video game. Once you master them, you can navigate through levels (or, in this case, directories) much more efficiently.

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