
Encapsulation in Python: A Simple Guide

What is Encapsulation?

Imagine you have a special box where you keep your favorite toys. You don’t want anyone to just take them or play with them without asking. So, you put a lock on the box. Now, only you, with the key, can access and manage those toys. This idea of protecting your toys is a lot like encapsulation in programming!

Encapsulation is like putting a protective shield around your data (like the lock on your toy box). It means that some information is kept hidden from outside users and can only be accessed in specific ways.

Why Use Encapsulation?

Safety: Just like you don’t want anyone to break your toys, in programming, we don’t want data to be changed in wrong or unexpected ways.

Control: You decide who can play with your toys and when. Similarly, encapsulation lets us control how data is accessed or changed.

Let’s See Encapsulation in Action!

Practical Example 1: The PiggyBank Class

Consider a PiggyBank. You can add money to it, but you can’t just take money out without breaking it. Here’s how we can design this using encapsulation in Python:

class PiggyBank:

def __init__(self):

        self.__money = 0  # This is a hidden value. Notice the double underscores!

    def add_money(self, amount):

        if amount > 0:  # We check if the amount is positive

            self.__money += amount

            print(f"Added ${amount} to the piggy bank!")


            print("Can't add negative money!")

    def check_balance(self):

        print(f"You have ${self.__money} in your piggy bank.")  

Here’s what’s happening:

__money is a hidden value. The double underscores (__) make it protected.

You can add money using add_money, but you can’t directly change the __money value.

You can check how much money you have using check_balance.

Practical Example 2: The Diary Class

Introducing a Personal Diary That Keeps Entries Private

We all have secrets or personal thoughts that we might jot down in a diary. In the world of programming, we can create a digital diary that ensures our entries remain private, just like a real diary with a lock on it!

Code Demonstration:

class Diary:

def __init__(self):

        self.__entries = []  # This is our hidden list of diary entries

    def add_entry(self, date, text):

        """Add a new entry to the diary."""

        entry = {"date": date, "text": text}


        print(f"Entry added for {date}!")

    def latest_entry(self):

        """View the latest entry without revealing all entries."""

        if self.__entries:

            latest = self.__entries[-1]

            return f"Latest Entry on {latest['date']}:\n{latest['text']}"


            return "The diary is empty."

# Let's use our Diary class

my_diary = Diary()

my_diary.add_entry("July 1, 2023", "Today was a sunny day!")

my_diary.add_entry("July 2, 2023", "Went for a long walk in the park.")


# Outputs:

# Latest Entry on July 2, 2023:

# Went for a long walk in the park.   

In the Diary class:

We have a hidden list __entries that stores our diary entries. Each entry is a dictionary with a date and text.

The add_entry method lets us add new entries to our diary.

The latest_entry method allows us to peek at the most recent entry without revealing all our secrets.

Challenge for Readers: The SafeBox Class

Imagine you have a digital safe box where you can store your most precious items. Your task is to design this safe box in Python, ensuring that the items inside remain a secret!


Hidden List for Items:

Your safe box should have a hidden place to store items. This will be a list named __items.

Method to Add Items:

Create a method named store_item that allows you to add items to your safe box. Every time you add an item, print a message saying “Item stored safely!”

Method to View the Number of Items:

Sometimes, you might want to know how full your safe box is without checking each item. Design a method named item_count that tells you the number of items in the safe box without revealing the items themselves.

Starter Code:

class SafeBox:

    def __init__(self):

        # TODO: Create a hidden list to store items

    def store_item(self, item):

        # TODO: Add the item to the hidden list and print a confirmation message

    def item_count(self):

        # TODO: Return the number of items in the safe box


Remember to use double underscores (__) before the items list to make it hidden.

The append method can be used to add items to a list.

The len function can help you find out the number of items in the list.

Once you’ve tried creating the SafeBox class, test it out! Add some items, check the item count, and see if everything works as expected. Remember, the goal is to keep the items in the safe box a secret while still being able to interact with them in specific ways. Good luck, and happy coding! 🚀🔐

Key Features of Encapsulation in Python

1. Hidden Values: The Role of Double Underscores (__)

In Python, encapsulation is often achieved by making attributes “hidden” or “private”. But how do we do that? The magic lies in the double underscores (__)!

What it does: When you prefix an attribute name with double underscores, Python renames it in a way that makes it harder to access from outside the class. This process is called “name mangling”.

Why it’s useful: By making attributes harder to access, you’re signaling to others that these are internal details of the class and shouldn’t be tampered with directly.


class Secret:

def __init__(self, value):

        self.__hidden_value = value  # This is a hidden attribute

my_secret = Secret(5)

# Trying to access the hidden value directly will cause an error

# print(my_secret.__hidden_value)  # This will raise an AttributeError

 2. Access Methods: How to Interact with Hidden Values

Even if we hide some attributes, we often need ways to interact with them. This is where access methods, like getters and setters, come into play.

Getters: These are methods that allow you to “get” or retrieve the value of a hidden attribute. They provide a controlled way to access the data without exposing the attribute directly.

Setters: These methods “set” or update the value of a hidden attribute. They can include checks or validations to ensure the data remains consistent.

Why they’re important: Access methods provide a safe and controlled interface to interact with the hidden attributes of a class. They ensure that the internal state of an object is accessed and modified appropriately.


class Secret:

def __init__(self, value):

        self.__hidden_value = value

    # Getter for hidden_value

    def get_value(self):

        return self.__hidden_value

    # Setter for hidden_value

    def set_value(self, new_value):

        if isinstance(new_value, int):  # Check if the new value is an integer

            self.__hidden_value = new_value


            print("Invalid value!")

my_secret = Secret(5)

print(my_secret.get_value())  # Outputs: 5


print(my_secret.get_value())  # Outputs: 10

For more information on using setters and getters, check out the comprehensive post that we published on that topic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Encapsulation is like a protective shield: It keeps data safe and controlled.
  • Not everything should be directly accessed: Just like you don’t let everyone play with your favorite toys, not all data should be directly changed or viewed.
  • Python uses underscores (__) to hide data: This makes it special and tells others, “Please don’t touch this directly!”

Keep Exploring!

Programming is a lot like building with LEGO or solving puzzles. There are rules, but there’s also a lot of fun! Encapsulation is just one of the cool tools you can use. Keep playing, keep building, and keep learning!

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