
Setters and Getters in Python OOP and How to Use Them

In the vast world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), there are tools and techniques designed to make our code not only functional but also safe and user-friendly. Among these tools are the seemingly humble setters and getters, which play a pivotal role in how we interact with data in our classes.

Brief Overview of Setters and Getters

At their core, setters and getters are special methods used to define and manage how data is accessed and modified in an object. Think of them as gatekeepers. Instead of directly interacting with an object’s data, we go through these gatekeepers, ensuring that the data is handled appropriately.

Setter: This is a method that sets or updates the value of an attribute. It’s like telling the gatekeeper, “Please update the record for me.”

Getter: This method retrieves or gets the value of an attribute. It’s akin to asking the gatekeeper, “Can you tell me what’s the current record?”

Importance in the Context of Encapsulation

Encapsulation is one of the foundational pillars of OOP. It’s the practice of bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) that operate on the data into a single unit or class, while also restricting direct access to some of the object’s components. This is where setters and getters shine.

By using setters, we can control how data is modified. Maybe we want to validate it, log it, or even transform it before storing. With getters, we can control how data is accessed, perhaps by formatting it or computing some values on the fly.

In essence, setters and getters allow us to wrap our data in a protective layer, ensuring that it’s accessed and modified in controlled, predictable ways. This encapsulation ensures that our objects maintain their integrity and that our code remains clean and efficient.

Understanding Getters

Definition and Purpose of Getters

Getters, as the name suggests, are methods that “get” or retrieve the value of an attribute from an object. Instead of directly accessing an attribute, which might not always be safe or appropriate, getters provide a controlled way to fetch that information. They serve as a protective layer, ensuring that the internal state of an object is accessed in a consistent and safe manner.

Practical Examples of Creating and Using Getters

Consider a class Person with a private attribute __age. Instead of accessing __age directly, we can use a getter to fetch its value:

class Person:

def __init__(self, age):

        self.__age = age

    # Getter for age

    def get_age(self):

        return self.__age

john = Person(25)

print(john.get_age())  # Outputs: 25    
The @property Decorator

In Python, the @property decorator offers a more elegant way to create getters without needing to call them as methods. It allows us to access the getter like an attribute:

class Person:

def __init__(self, age):

        self.__age = age


    def age(self):

        return self.__age

john = Person(25)

print(john.age)  # Outputs: 25, notice we didn't use ()    

With @property, we’ve made the age method accessible like an attribute, providing a cleaner and more intuitive interface for users of the class.

Understanding Setters

Setters are the counterpart to getters. While getters retrieve the value of an attribute, setters allow us to update or modify that value. They provide a controlled mechanism to change the internal state of an object, ensuring that any modifications adhere to specific rules or conditions.

Definition and Purpose of Setters

Setters are methods designed to set or update the value of an attribute. They can include validations, transformations, or other operations to ensure that the data being set is valid and appropriate for the object.

Practical Examples of Creating and Using Setters

Continuing with our Person class, let’s add a setter for the __age attribute:

class Person:

def __init__(self, age):

        self.__age = age


    def age(self):

        return self.__age


    def age(self, new_age):

        if 0 <= new_age <= 120:  # Basic validation for age

            self.__age = new_age


            print("Invalid age!")

john = Person(25)

john.age = 30  # Using the setter to update age

print(john.age)  # Outputs: 30

john.age = 130  # Trying to set an invalid age

# Outputs: Invalid age!    

In the example above, the setter method for age ensures that the age is between 0 and 120. If an invalid age is provided, it prints an error message and doesn’t update the attribute.

By using setters, we can ensure that the internal state of our objects remains consistent and valid, even as external factors or inputs change.

Advanced Usage

As we delve deeper into the world of setters and getters, we find that they offer more than just basic access control. They can be combined, extended, and even paired with other decorators to provide a rich, controlled interface for our classes.

Combining Setters and Getters for a Single Attribute

It’s common to use both a setter and a getter for the same attribute. This combination ensures that the attribute is both accessed and modified in controlled ways.

class Circle:

def __init__(self, radius):

        self.__radius = radius


    def radius(self):

        return self.__radius


    def radius(self, value):

        if value >= 0:

            self.__radius = value


            print("Radius cannot be negative!")    

In the Circle class, the radius attribute has both a getter and a setter, ensuring controlled access and modification.

Using Setters for Data Validation

One of the primary benefits of setters is the ability to validate data before it’s assigned to an attribute. This ensures the integrity of the object’s state.

class Student:

def __init__(self, grade):

        self.__grade = grade


    def grade(self):

        return self.__grade


    def grade(self, value):

        if 0 <= value <= 100:

            self.__grade = value


            print("Grade must be between 0 and 100!")    

In the Student class, the setter for grade ensures that the grade is between 0 and 100. Any attempt to set an invalid grade will trigger an error message.

Other Decorators: @<attribute_name>.deleter

Beyond just setting and getting, Python provides a decorator to handle attribute deletion: the deleter.

class Product:

def __init__(self, price):

        self.__price = price


    def price(self):

        return self.__price


    def price(self, value):

        if value >= 0:

            self.__price = value


            print("Price cannot be negative!")


    def price(self):

        print("Price attribute deleted!")

        del self.__price   

In the Product class, if someone tries to delete the price attribute, the deleter will print a message and then proceed to delete the attribute.

Benefits of Using Setters and Getters

Setters and getters, often termed as accessors and mutators, are more than just conventions in Object-Oriented Programming. They offer a plethora of advantages that enhance the robustness, security, and flexibility of your code. Let’s delve into some of these benefits:

Controlled Access to Attributes:

Directly accessing attributes can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, especially in complex systems. Setters and getters act as gatekeepers, ensuring that attributes are accessed and modified in a controlled manner.

Example: Consider a BankAccount class. Instead of allowing direct modifications to the balance attribute, a setter can ensure that no illegal operations (like setting a negative balance) occur.

Data Validation and Integrity:

Setters provide an excellent platform to validate the data before it’s set. This ensures that the object always remains in a valid state.

Example: In a Person class, if there’s an attribute for age, the setter can validate that the age is a positive number and within a reasonable range before setting it.

Abstraction and Flexibility in Class Design:

Getters and setters allow for a level of abstraction. The internal workings of a class can change without affecting how users of the class interact with it. This means that the class’s interface remains consistent even if its implementation changes.

Example: In a Rectangle class, you might initially store height and width as attributes. Later, you might choose to store only the area and one side. With appropriate getters and setters, users of the class wouldn’t need to change how they interact with it, even though its internal design has changed.


We encourage every budding and seasoned programmer alike to harness the power of setters and getters in Python OOP. They’re not just conventions; they’re gateways to better class design and, by extension, better software.

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1 Comment

  • Encapsulation in Python: A Simple Guide - LearninBits August 2, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    […] For more information on using setters and getters, check out the comprehensive post that we published on that topic. […]

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