
Everything is an Object in Python Explained

Python, a versatile and widely-used programming language, stands out among its peers due to a fundamental philosophy that underpins its design: “everything is an object.” This guiding principle sets Python apart from many other programming languages and plays a crucial role in shaping its simplicity, flexibility, and elegance.

In this blog post, we embark on a focused, easy-to-understand, and practical journey to demystify Python’s object-oriented nature. We will explore what it means for everything to be an object in Python and why it matters in the world of programming.

So, whether you are just starting with Python or seeking to deepen your understanding of the language’s core principles, buckle up, as we unravel the mysteries of objects in Python. By the end, you’ll not only understand what an object is but also appreciate the immense benefits this approach brings to your Python programming endeavors. Let’s dive in!

Python’s Object-Oriented Nature

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of “objects.” In OOP, data and functions that operate on that data are combined into cohesive units called objects. This approach promotes modularity, reusability, and clearer code organization, making it easier to tackle complex problems.

Python fully embraces the principles of OOP by treating everything as an object. Whether you’re dealing with basic data types like integers and strings or complex data structures like lists and dictionaries, they are all instances of objects in Python. Even functions and classes, the building blocks of Python programs, are objects themselves.

This all-encompassing object-oriented approach has several significant implications:

  1. Unity of Data and Functions: In Python, objects unify data and functions, also known as methods, within a single entity. For instance, when working with a list object, the list’s data (the elements it contains) and its methods (functions like append(), pop(), etc.) are encapsulated together. This organization enhances code clarity, as data manipulation and relevant actions reside within the same entity, reducing potential confusion.
  2. Object Identity and Attributes: Every object in Python has a unique identity, which distinguishes it from other objects. You can think of this identity as the object’s memory address. Additionally, objects have attributes, which are variables associated with the object, representing its state. For example, a string object might have attributes like length or content.
  3. Method Invocation: When a method is called on an object, the object itself is implicitly passed to the method as the first argument, typically named self. This enables methods to access and modify the object’s attributes, promoting an intuitive and concise coding style.

Understanding Objects in Python

In Python, an object is a self-contained unit that encapsulates data (attributes) and behaviors (methods) that operate on that data. Every value in Python is an object, including simple data types like integers, floats, and strings, as well as more complex data structures like lists, dictionaries, and even functions and classes.

Each object has a unique identity (memory address), a type that determines its behavior, and a set of attributes and methods that define its characteristics and actions.

Attributes are variables that hold the state or data of an object. They represent the object’s properties and can be accessed and modified using dot notation (e.g., object.attribute). For example, a person object might have attributes like name, age, and email, storing information about the person.

Methods, on the other hand, are functions that define the behavior or actions an object can perform. They represent the object’s abilities and are called using dot notation (e.g., object.method()). For instance, a person object might have methods like say_hello() or send_email(), which allow the person to greet others or send messages.

The combination of attributes and methods within an object forms a cohesive unit, enabling data and behavior to work in harmony. This encapsulation ensures that an object’s internal workings are hidden from the outside world, promoting data abstraction and information hiding.

  1. In Python, a class serves as a blueprint or a template for creating objects. It defines the structure and behavior that all objects of that class will share. A class acts as a user-defined data type, allowing you to create custom objects with specific attributes and methods.

To create an object from a class, you use a process called instantiation, where you call the class as if it were a function. This creates a new instance of the class, which is an individual object with its own unique identity and state. The attributes and methods defined within the class become attributes and methods of the created object.

By using classes, Python facilitates code reusability, as you can create multiple instances (objects) from the same blueprint. Each object can have its unique state, but all share the same behavior defined in the class.

Demonstrate how “everything is an object” in Python

In Python, the concept “everything is an object” means that all values, including built-in data types, functions, and user-defined classes, are instances of objects. To demonstrate this concept, we can use the isinstance() function to check whether various elements are instances of the base class object.

Let’s explore some examples:


x = 42
print(isinstance(x, object))  # True


message = "Hello, world!"
print(isinstance(message, object))  # True


my_list = [1, 2, 3]
print(isinstance(my_list, object))  # True


def add(a, b):
    return a + b

print(isinstance(add, object))  # True


class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

my_instance = MyClass(42)
print(isinstance(my_instance, object))  # True

In each example, the isinstance() function returns True, indicating that each variable (x, message, my_list, add, and my_instance) is an instance of the base class object.

This demonstrates that “everything is an object” in Python, regardless of whether it’s a simple data type like integers and strings, a complex data structure like lists, a function, or a user-defined class. All of these elements are instances of objects, sharing common behavior and capabilities provided by the object class.


In conclusion, we’ve explored Python’s object-oriented nature, where “everything is an object.” This means that everything, from basic data types to functions and classes, is an instance of an object. Understanding objects empowers us to create clean, reusable code and design custom data types using classes.

Follow us on Twitter @learninbits for more insightful articles and valuable Python tips. Happy coding!

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