
How Do I Check Git Logs?

In the world of software development, version control is a crucial practice, and Git is one of the most popular version control systems out there. Git allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, keeps track of changes made to the code, and helps resolve conflicts when they arise.

One of the powerful features of Git is its ability to log every change made to a project. These logs provide a historical record of all the modifications, including who made the change, when it was made, and what changes were made in the code. This information can be incredibly useful for debugging issues, understanding the evolution of a project, and even for legal purposes in some cases.

In this article, we’ll explore how to check Git logs, filter and format them to suit your needs, and navigate through them efficiently. Whether you’re new to Git or an experienced developer looking to brush up on your skills, this guide will help you make the most of Git’s powerful logging capabilities. Let’s get started!

Understanding Git Logs

Git logs are a record of all the commits made in a repository. Each entry in the log represents a single commit and provides the following information:

The SHA-1 checksum: A unique identifier for the commit.

The author: The person who made the commit.

The date: When the commit was made.

The commit message: A brief description of what changes were made in the commit.

In essence, Git logs are like a diary for your project, keeping track of all the changes made over time.

Basic Git Log Command

The most basic command to view the Git logs is git log. When you run this command in your terminal, Git will display a list of all the commits made in the repository, starting with the most recent commit.

Here’s an example of what you might see:

commit a9f4e3d7b1b37b1d3f7bb75f5d0f08c5550e4b68

Author: John Doe <john@example.com>

Date:   Mon Aug 1 12:34:56 2023 -0400

    Added a new feature to the application

In this example, a9f4e3d7b1b37b1d3f7bb75f5d0f08c5550e4b68 is the SHA-1 checksum, John Doe <john@example.com> is the author, Mon Aug 1 12:34:56 2023 -0400 is the date, and Added a new feature to the application is the commit message.

Filtering Git Logs

While the basic git log command is useful, you often need to filter the logs to find specific information. Git provides several options for this purpose:

–author: This option allows you to filter the logs by the author of the commits. For example, git log –author=”John” will show only the commits made by John.

–since, –until: These options allow you to filter the logs by date. For example, git log –since=”2023-01-01″ will show only the commits made since January 1, 2023.

–grep: This option allows you to search the commit messages for a specific keyword. For example, git log –grep=”feature” will show only the commits whose messages contain the word “feature”.

These options can be combined to create more complex filters. For example, git log –author=”John” –since=”2023-01-01″ –grep=”feature” will show only the commits made by John since January 1, 2023, whose messages contain the word “feature”.

Formatting Git Logs

While the default format of Git logs is informative, it can be a bit verbose, especially when you’re dealing with a large number of commits. Fortunately, Git provides several options to format the logs:

–oneline: This option displays each commit on a single line, showing only the SHA-1 checksum and the commit message. This is useful for getting a quick overview of the commit history.

–graph: This option displays an ASCII graph of the commit history on the left side of the logs. This is useful for visualizing the branching and merging history of the repository.

–pretty: This option allows you to customize the format of the logs. You can use several placeholders like %H for the SHA-1 checksum, %an for the author name, %ad for the author date, and %s for the commit message. For example, git log –pretty=format:”%an committed %s on %ad” will display the logs in the format “Author Name committed Commit Message on Date”.

Navigating Git Logs

When you run the git log command, Git displays the logs in a pager (usually less or more) that allows you to scroll through the logs. Here are some useful commands for navigating the logs:

  • q: Quit the pager and return to the command line.
  • Space: Scroll down one page.
  • b: Scroll up one page.
  • Up Arrow or k: Scroll up one line.
  • Down Arrow or j: Scroll down one line.

Remember, you can always type h in the pager to get help with these commands.


Git logs are a powerful tool for understanding the history of your project. By learning how to check, filter, format, and navigate through Git logs, you can gain valuable insights into the evolution of your code and the contributions of your team members.

If you found this article helpful and want to learn more, be sure to follow us on Twitter at @learninbits for more Git tips and tutorials. Happy coding!

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